Brutal Legend Wiki
The free axe treatment that comes with the Tears of the Hextadon DLC

Since the release of Brütal Legend, 2 DLC packs have been released, the first of which, the "Tears of the Hextadon" pack was free for 2 weeks on PS3 upon release and features only multiplayer maps and the Blade of Ormagöden Axe Treatment . The second of the two, "Hammer of Infinite Fate", contained both new maps, and new single player items such as Threads, new Deuce upgrades and Back Patches.

Each DLC is available for purchase and download via the Xbox LIVE Marketplace and the PlayStation Store. In addition to the map packs currently available, players who pre-ordered the game received a code for the Love Giver strings.

People who bought the PC version receive all of the DLC bundles with the game, including the guitar strings "The Love Giver", and those who pre-ordered the game on PC received 2 items on Team Fortress 2, the Genuine Shred Alert, and the Genuine Brütal Bouffant
